Woman making a handstand

CYCE Our Teachers

We only hire very experienced teachers for our classes, which is why we ask for an annual engagement from our members. This helps us give a commitment to our teachers! You can choose among different styles

Get to know our teachers...


Anne-Marie Raison offre une pratique sur fond de détente. Des postures variées qui étirent, renforcent, assouplissent le corps…. présence à soi et à sa respiration… respect des limites de  chacun…. le but de la séance de yoga est aussi d’apprendre à cultiver la détente partout, tout le temps. Imperceptiblement, le yoga se met de lui-même en place dans la vie courante. La séance commence par des mouvement doux préparatoires. Les postures variées se placent  en accord avec le souffle et  avec les possibilités de l’instant. La détente émerge naturellement du travail postural. Enseignement inspiré de A.Van Lysebeth, B.K.S. Iyengar, A. Desjardins.


Florian Parra est enseignant de yoga certifié par BKS Iyengar. Le yoga est entré dans ma vie par hasard, dans un moment où je souhaitais une activité qui passe par le corps. Dès le premier cours, je fus impacté par l’exigence de cette pratique mais aussi par le bien-être qu’elle m’apportait et ce, malgré mes limites corporelles. Pendant 10 années, j’ai pratiqué en tant qu’élève puis intégré la formation pour devenir professeur certifié Iyengar. Dans un esprit d’ouverture et de liberté, il me tient à cœur de diffuser le yoga dans différents lieux avec des publics totalement différents. J’essaie donc d’enseigner cette méthode avec joie, respect, rigueur et simplicité. La méthode se caractérise par l’attention portée sur l’alignement des différentes parties du corps dans l’espace, l’organisation des postures en séquences et l’emploi de supports (sangles, briques, couvertures, chaises, cordes…). Ces principes de base permettent de développer un meilleur équilibre et mental. L’enseignement est progressif et adapté aux capacités physiques de chacun.


Gustavo Miranda is a dedicated Iyengar Yoga teacher, founder and coordinator of the studio A Yoga ayogabrussels.be. Trained & certified with WIlly Bok, Gustavo works as Willy’s assistant in therapeutic classes since his teacher’s training and yet now. Also part of an approach dedicated to knowledge in Yoga, he continuously studies with Advanced Senior teacher David Meloni and with authentic meditation masters from Tibet’s highest tradition University, Dzogchen Sri Singha. «Keeping a down to earth, clear & comprehensible teaching language is my commitment». As a side track, before Yoga, Gustavo is a trained contemporary dancer having studied many matters around movement & body: martial arts, Alexander technique, Feldenkrais, Body mind centering among others. As a dance teacher he has given workshop in many countries and different contexts: Universities, Festivals, Schools, Seminaries for professionals and amateurs with the same respect and clarity. Gustavo is composer/singer/musician having led group & solo projects and due to developing listening skill he is fluent in a few languages and has experience in effortlessly teaching Yoga class in 5 languages.


Julie Van Brabant est ingénieur commercial de formation, elle a travaillé en Chine et en Belgique pendant quelques années. De retour en Belgique, elle décide de s’orienter professionnellement vers une discipline plus humaine et se forme au yoga pendant 4 ans avec son papa (Thierry Van Brabant) ainsi qu’avec d’autres professeurs (indiens, américains…).  Elle se rend compte des immenses bénéfices que le yoga peut apporter par la valorisation de la relation sereine à soi, à l’autre et au monde. Ses séances commencent en général par une petite introduction, suivie d’un échauffement, des postures et se terminent par une relaxation.


Musicienne classique de formation, Marine Falque-Vert pratique le hatha yoga selon la lignée de Swami Sivananda et d’André van Lysebeth (École Van Lysebeth à Melun).Elle pratique aussi régulièrement avec Christian Berthon lors de stages (Yoga du son selon l’enseignement de Patrick Torre et Yoga selon la tradition non duelle du Shivaïsme tantrique du Cachemire transmise par Eric Baret, disciple de Jean Klein).Par ailleurs, elle expérimente au quotidien les principes de la CNV (Communication NonViolente) créée par Marshall B. Rosenberg et pratique régulièrement la méditation zazen selon Maître Taisen Deshimaru.Elle s’est également formée à l’EFT (acronyme anglais signifiant « Emotional Freedom Techniques » pour Techniques de libération émotionnelle) et suit depuis septembre 2022 la formation Quantik Doula de Karine Laseva pour devenir doula.


Melissa Watkins first became passionate about wellness and movement through dance, where she became acutely aware of the importance of the mind, body, spirit connection. This passion led to her studying Dance Movement Therapy at a Master’s level. She then launched herself into the fitness industry, obtaining certifications in ACE Personal Training, Schwinn Spinning, AFAA, Basixs & Synergy,and Piloxing Knock Out. She then added Relax Kids coach to her backpack of training tools. This was after witnessing the effects of stress on children, and realising this was a need she could address. Consequently, she now gives stress management workshops to children and teens of all ages. Her yoga training began as an inquiry into how to help people with scoliosis. She discovered that the best training wasyoga based, so went on to certify in Anusara Yoga and Yoga for Scoliosis. Anusara Yoga quickly became a passion. She is now Anusara Inspired and has studied with Jayendra Henley, Adam Ballenger, Jaye Martin, Jacalyn Prete, and William Mahony. 


Before dedicating himself completely to the oriental arts of health of yoga, do-in and to shiatsu, Palle Dyrvall managed a career as a dancer, during which he practiced several somatic techniques such as Release Technique, Alexander Technique and Body Mind Centering, which allowed him to develop a deep knowledge of the human body and its energetic system. Applying these experiences to Yoga has allowed him to propose a class that promotes a natural way of using the body and that listens to the whole body and mind together. The aim of his class is also to be in motion through the asanas, to get the most out of the practice in terms of well being and to prevent injuries on and off the yoga mat.  The main influences on his class has been the style of Sivananda with its use of the sun salutations and the 12 main postures, Ashtanga characterized by the linking of the postures in a long flowing sequences “viniyasa”, Iyengar for its use of blocks, belts and blankets to help for a better alignment and Yoga Nidra for a final relaxation and integration of the practice. Palle is a qualified shiatsu practitioner and teacher of Shiatsu, has studied Chinese medicine and practices the oriental arts of health Do-In and Qi Gong.


Sabrina Messal débutant le yoga il y a plus de 20 ans dans le but de soulager de graves maux de dos, je me suis sentie non seulement complètement rétablie physiquement mais j’ai également découvert une magnifique aventure mentale et humaine… ce qui m’a amené à une grande envie de partage. Formée en Hatha yoga, je me suis ensuite intéressée à la yoga thérapie, au yin yoga et au yoga pour enfant. Je continue actuellement à naviguer et à me nourrir dans tout ce que le yoga, méditation et la musique peuvent m’apporter.


Stefania Righetti a commencé la pratique du yoga depuis sa jeunesse, puis pendant ses études universitaires en Philosophie elle s’est passionnée pour la philosophie orientale, la méditation Vipassana et à la Mindfulness. Elle a d’abord obtenu le diplôme de professeur en «Hatha Yoga» Traditionnel, mais quand le yoga Iyengar a croisé son chemin elle est restée fascinée par sa précision et son intensité en comprenant qu’on peut mettre le corps au centre de sa quête, la pleine conscience de soi à travers les asanas (postures) en utilisant des accessoires pour permettre l’adaptation (viniyoga = adaptation selon l’âge, l’état, le genre, le type de corps, etc) ainsi que de nombreuses applications thérapeutiques. Certifiée depuis le 2010 a été aussi pour plusieurs années assistante dans les classes thérapeutiques; elle continue à suivre des stages, cours et conventions en Italie, en Europe et se joindre régulièrement en Inde au Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) de Pune.


Thierry Van Brabant est licencié en kinésithérapie, formateur d’enseignants de yoga, professeur de yoga à temps plein et membre du comité pédagogique de l’ABEPY (Association belge des enseignants et des pratiquant de yoga).Il envisage ses cours comme une promenade agréable à travers la mécanique du corps : Mon Dieu que nos corps sont bien faits !Ses cours sont également une promenade philosophique à travers les grandes pensées yoguiques qui lorsqu’elles sont appliquées, sont connues pour apaiser notre mental. L’aspect méditatif n’est pas oublié, question de nous relier harmonieusement à nous-même et à tout ce qui nous entoure. https://santosha.be/


Cristina Monti is a certified Yoga Alliance teacher and an accredited Crystal Tones® Alchemy Crystal Bowl sound healer. Her yoga journey began as a search for a physical practice centered on breathing, flexibility, and strength. Little did she know, it would unfold into a discovery of the profound benefits that yoga offers in managing stress and fostering mental and emotional balance – all while infusing an element of joy. Cristina teaches both dynamic yoga styles like vinyasa and power flow, as well as more restorative practices like Yin-Yang, Yoga Nidra and Antastha yoga. The latter, practiced with a blindfold, delves into a realm of deeper inner connection, amplifying the mind-body experience. She loves to combine her classes with sound baths, creating an immersive journey that guides participants into a meditational state. Her classes are not just about physical exercise; they are a holistic experience, designed to nurture both body and spirit. Cristina aspires to share the tools of holistic well-being to empower others to live their most meaningful lives. Join her on the path to vibrant health, inner harmony, and a balanced existence.


Zsuzsanna Rideg is a Hungarian Hatha yoga teacher, who completed her teacher training in Belgium. For her, yoga is a not only a hobby, but a powerful tool to create balance in life. She has been practicing yoga for 15 years. Her classes focus on counteracting the effects of modern (sedentary) lifestyle. Fascinated by the human body’s own built-in healing capacities, she uses gentle, flow-like exercises that help modify poor posture by re-educating the body and the nervous system. We mobilise articulations and stabilise them by strengthening the core muscles at the same time. The goal of her yoga class is not only a healthy spine and a correct posture (on and off the mat) but also to develop movement patterns, that our body was designed for before we became ‘homo bureauticus’.  She uses breathing and relaxation techniques to create some moments of peace and tranquillity. When used on a regular basis these techniques help calm the nervous system and develop resilience against the distress that is so much present in our modern world.

Alma & Simona  

Through the power of yoga, breathwork and meditations Alma’s facilitated sessions invite you to embark on a journey to the most beautiful place within, from movement to stillness and silence, from limited identity to expanded awareness, tapping into our inner sources of energy. Alma is certified for hatha, vinyasa yoga, yoga therapy, and a facilitator for AoL Breath and Meditation workshops featuring Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique in authentic yoga tradition under the guidance of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.  
Alma is RYT®️ 500, RYT®️ 200 certified by Yoga Shala Institute (Spain 2015), Sri Sri School of Yoga (Europe 2018, India 2020), SampoornaYoga (Goa 2021). She is passionate about Vedic philosophy, is a qualified Ayurvedic marma therapist and sound healing facilitator.
Simona’s approach to yoga is reestablishing the healing and harmonious connection with the self and the world  around.  Being a yoga teacher, her wish is to support everyone to connect with the energy within trough the union of our breath, body and mind. She in constant flow and movement between the Brussels bubble and Latvian forests and the sea, which is her power place. Simona is RYT®️ 500, RYT®️ 200 certified by Sri Sri School of Yoga (Europe 2018, India 2020).


Naomi offers alignment based vinyasa flow in tradition of Krishnamacharya. She is a passionate student of asanas, meditation and anatomy. Her classes offer individual attention and application of yoga therapeutics in a supportive atmosphere, with an approach that is light and informal yet balanced against a sound knowledge and dedication to practice.Naomi has a degree in English language and literature and comparative literature and background in translation. She completed Yoga Moves Teacher Training 1 and 2 in Utrecht, the Netherlands: Ashtanga training with David Swenson, David Williams and Danny Paradise, as well as 7 Vinyasa Flow modules with Shiva Rea. Since 2008 she has followed 6 Anusara Immersions (with Ross Rayburn, Noah Maze, Betsy Downing and Kenny Graham), 9 Anusara Teacher Trainings and Intensives (John Friend, Ross Rayburn, Sianna Sherman, Sue Elkind, Jayendra Hanley and Kenny Graham).


Viola Ziehaus has always been passionate about moving, and discovered the world through dancing, tennis, swimming, horse riding, climbing and running. But it wasn´t until she fell in love with Yoga about 12 years ago that she discovered the immense healing powers of the body-mind. When she realized how yoga helped her to overcome pain and trauma, she knew that this was something she wanted to share with the world and hence embarked on the journey of a transformative yoga teacher training with Meghan Currie. Inspired by Meghan, Viola´s classes are dynamic and theme-infused Vinyasa classes, focusing on alignment and breath, helping her students to embark on expansive journeys through their inner layers.



